Saturday, January 02, 2010


I assume for my first post that I should introduce myself and say a little about my purpose to writing a blog.

Introductions first... First and foremost, I am a single mother of a wonderful young school-aged boy. I am a graduate student in a Masters program (and hopefully within the next year or so a doctoral student). My political views range from liberal to conservative, but basically fall somewhere around the middle like most Americans. I like many single mothers am in search for 'love' but am independent enough to be okay without it. I am heading into my 30s but it doesn't scare me. However, mostly, I feel like I have experienced a lot of life, but still have so much more to learn.

As I may have hinted at in describing myself, I hope with this blog to talk not only about myself, but my experiences. I hope to in part some kind of twisted wisdom or insight to those that read this. I have no doubt that my posts will be riddled with typos and grammatical errors. I also know that I may not completely be able to put into words coherently my thoughts, but I will do my best. My posts will range from life, love, and daily nonsense. One day I may post some deep life question that I have been pondering over, another day it might be a topic discussed in one of my graduate classes, the next day it could be my joys or frustrations at being a single parent, or could be one incident in the long saga of my pursuit of love.

All I know is that I hope that my words reach out to someone... And please let me know if they do!

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