Saturday, January 09, 2010

I wonder...

Have you ever been on a walking? While walking, you look at the houses that line the street and wonder what's going on in them. Are they messy like me? Do they have all their dvd's organized and on a shelf? Is there dirty dishes in the sink? Are they watching tv? Reading a book?

I wonder... I don't know if those are the exact thoughts that go through my head. I know I wonder how they have their furniture arranged? Would I have it set up differently?

I think isn't normal to wonder. It is also normal for us to compare. It's just one way for understanding life.

Have you ever watched any of the reality shows where they film in someone's home? Do you think they normally look like that? Do they clean before the film crew comes in? Is it like when you plan on having people over, you quickly scrub the toliet and make sure the dirty clothes makes it into the laundry basket?

Hmmmmm.... I guess I will never know, unless I start knocking on doors and inviting myself in! (And like that's really going to happen.)

Rule #1

Okay... Rule #1: Don't blog when under any emotional response! (LOL) I am apologizing but not apologizing for my grammar and spelling errors in my last blog post. I haven't corrected them for the simple fact that they were created while I was upset/irritated/whatever you want to call my mood at the time.

So.... there it is I guess.