Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tearing Apart Families

Yet again, this morning ICE (immigration and customs enforcement) was out doing raids. This is the third raid that I am aware of within the last month. They targets the same place of employment and apartment complex in the last two raids!

In the last raids, ICE used illegal tactics to detain individuals and take documentation. We are currently unaware of the details of this mornings raid. However, there is confirmation that at least one male has been detained by ICE.

How much more can a community take! Men are being ripped apart from their families! Young children are being traumatized by these raids! Women are being left to care for children without their fathers!

Anyone from Michigan that is not in support of these autrocities in our communities, please contact your state representative and tell them 'No to HB 6256'!

If you do not know your representative, look it up here... http://house.michigan.gov/find_a_rep.asp

And please contact the members of the Judiciary committee, where the bill is currently located...

Tell them you do not support local police enforcing federal laws by racial profiling! And Michigan cannot afford to be another Arizona!

To review HB 6256, go to https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(u3jvrga4qzd1mnnlgl2qbdvc))/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=2010-HB-6256

Friday, June 11, 2010

Don't Blink!

Well, life does seem to change rapidly!

In a couple months, there have been some changes in my life.

I am in a relationship which brings its own joys and challenges.

Being the social worker that I am and a completely unique and stubborn person, I had to allow a person to come into my life and bring a new set of complications.

Don't get me wrong, him as himself doesn't complicate my life. I am mostly happy. However, he is Latino. So, all you have to do is turn on the news or click on an online news story to know what complications have entered into my life.

I am using the word complications loosely here.

I have been interested in immigrant issues since moving to Ann Arbor. My apartment complex is probably about 60 to 70 percent Latino in its occupants with a good majority not fluent in English. There is a large Latino immigrant community in my area.

So, when I recently entered into a relationship with a foregin-born Latino man, this pushed me to be more involved.

I have a feeling that I will be doing a lot of posting on immigration issues particular to Latinos.

If you are interested in more information, please feel free to send me a message. There are a couple of blogs I am following who have experienced immigration issues first hand in their families and relationships.